This super easy and rich iced coconut milk is a perfect replica of the cocoa milk tea sold in the store.
Drinking only milk is monotonous, so I always like to make a cup of iced Cocoa milk tea. Made mainly with Cocoa, black tea, and milk, it tastes silky. I also added some black tea to avoid being too greasy. It is straightforward to make and only takes 5 to 10 minutes.
- 1 tbsp. cocoa syrup
- 2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp. condensed milk
- 3 tbsp. hot water
- 1/2 cup black tea base
- ice cube
- milk
- 1 tbsp. syrup or to taste
The cocoa milk can be slightly bitter, so you can try adding more syrup to taste.
How to make iced cocoa milk
Steep the black tea
Add 100ml hot water (around 80 degrees C) to black tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Strain the tea base. I usually add some ice cubes to cool the tea liquid more quickly. So we will get around 1/2 cup of tea base.
Make Cocoa Mixture
Add cocoa syrup, cocoa powder, and condensed milk to a serving glass, then pour hot water. Use a blender to mix the ingredients thoroughly for about 30 seconds.
Pour the cooled black tea base, plain milk, cocoa milk, and simple syrup into a glass and stir well.
If you prefer to serve it cold, fill the serving cup with ice cubes and pour the cocoa milk tea.
Complete the dish by adding cheese foam or cold foam on top.
Iced Cocoa Milk Tea
- 1 tbsp. cocoa syrup
- 2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp. condensed milk
- 1 tbsp. hot water
- 1/2 cup black tea liquid
- ice cube
- milk
- 1 tbsp. syrup
- cheese foam or cold foam if using
Steep the black tea
- Add around 100ml hot water (around 80 degrees C) to black tea. Steep for around 5 minutes. Strain the tea liquid. I usually like to add some ice cubes to cool the tea liquid more quickly.
Make cocoa milk
- Add cocoa syrup, cocoa powder, and condensed milk to a serving glass, then pour hot water. Use a blender to stir them for about 30 seconds until they mix well.
- Pour the cooled black tea liquid, milk, stirred cocoa syrup, and simple syrup into a glass and stir well.
- Then pour it into a glass cup filled with ice cubes.
- Complete the dish by adding cheese foam or cold foam on top.